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Agile methodology different from Waterfall methodology in BA Training in NY

How is the agile methodology different from Waterfall methodology? Does it make any difference to
the responsibilities of a BA?

Agile is one of the trendiest SDLC methodologies. The agile methodology uses short time boxes, called iterations,
which typically last one to four weeks, to build software. Iteration is like a mini sub-project and includes all the
tasks necessary – planning, analysis, design, development, testing, and documentation. The Agile methodology
is used in project management. It helps project makers to build software applications that are unpredictable in
nature. In an Agile approach, each step of development is monitored continuously throughout the entire lifecycle
of the project. Changes are monitored at every step and can be adjusted even in late development so that the
development team can reflect on what needs to be changed and how to become more effective.. So, by using
The agile approach, the development teams can steer the project in the right direction. This methodology uses
sprints. A sprint is a short period of activity, with a defined goal which can be evaluated at the end of the sprint.
There are two forms of this methodology – Agile Scrum and Extreme Programming (XP).
In an agile model, cross-functional teams are involved in the project right from the idea to the implementation
phase of the project to address issues or problems. It provides an open forum where everyone knows who is
responsible for which item and problems are more transparent. The agile model helps break down the project into
manageable parts and project stakeholder has the advantage of seeing the progress being made every day and
give feedback. However, the changing requirement can be never-ending and it might be difficult to integrate sprints
into one compatible system.
No, it does not make any difference to the responsibilities of a BA. Methodologies rarely impact what each
person like BA, PM, Developer, Tester does. It may change how often or how things are done, however, what
needs to be done remains the same.
